Would You Like to Earn Your Diploma?
You can! Our unique program is flexible and supportive.
Now Enrolling
for 2024/25
Online Zoom Classes
Hybrid Options
Ahora Inscribiendo para el Año Escolar 2024/25
Clases de zoom en línea o en la escuela con
opciones Híbridas una combinación de clases en persona y/o en línea
"Cesar Chavez Community School is a Shining Example of Why Charter Schools Exist" --Chair of the New Mexico Public Education Commission
“We were so happy to find Cesar Chavez Community School they are the only reason my daughter is in school right now. It changed our lives completely.”
-- CCCS Parent
" I can actually have a conversation with my teachers and they treat my like an equal." -- CCCS Student
" This year is going amazing! I love my Math and History [Zoom] classes." -- CCCS Student
"[My student] is doing great. He actually has an interest in school... he's getting somewhere. And he loves it!" -- CCCS Parent
“The flexibility of the program is tremendously empowering, online, hybrid, in-person, as she changes, her schedule changes with her to support her perfectly.”
-- CCCS Parent
Lottery Admissions Period for the 2025-26 School Year will be held April to June.
2025-26 Lottery Drawing
June 9th 2025
El período de admisión por lotería para el año escolar 2025-26 se llevará a cabo de abril a junio.
Sorteo de lotería 2025-26
9 de junio de 2025
Small class size typically 15 students or less. Flexible schedule and types of classes including Zoom, Edgenuity (e2020),
Dual Enrollment and Independent Studies.
Every student is assigned to a mentor to help track their progress and problem-solve challenges.
The school is small and community oriented, with maximum 200 students at one time.
Student Skills
Student skill levels in math and language arts are assessed at entry and then again periodically using short cycle assessments.
Student Growth
CCCS meets students where they are at and work together to support growth toward student goals.
Next Steps
We prepare our graduates for their next steps, including education, training, work, family, and positive community participation.
CCCS Offers:
Every Student assigned a Staff Mentor
Academic Advising
Attendance Coaching, Social Work, and Counseling Services
Individualized, Flexible Scheduling/Learning Plans
Daily one-on-one and small group Individualized Academic Support
Zoom Classes
Special Education Services
Credit Recovery/Accelerated Credits
Dual Credit College Classes (FREE high school and college credit!)
Edgenuity Classes, Independent Study Classes, and Work Study Classes
Student Supports and Services
CCCS offers intensive support to students entering or reconnecting to high school through flexible and personalized programs during non-traditional hours. We prepare our graduates for their next steps, including education, training, work, family, and participation in the community.