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Community Resources
New Mexico
Students have the right to a learning environment in which discrimination in all forms is not tolerated.
Students have the right to extracurricular and after-school programs
Students have the right to information, resources and support to prepare them for life after high school.
Students have the right to equitable school and classroom environments.
Students have the right to affordable and nutritious food in the school environment because proper nutrition is essential to the development of physical, emotional and intellectual well-being
Students have the right to bilingual education.
Students have the right to a learning environment that is free of cruel and unusual punishment.
Students have the right to due process, to be considered innocent until proven guilty.
Students have the right to schools that seek alternatives to police presence, that are free of immigration enforcement, that are free from the criminalization of youth, that seek alternatives to suspension and expulsion policies and in which students are given a clean slate each year.
Students have the right to access violence- and gang-prevention, peer-based mediation and intervention programs on campus
Students have the right and the opportunity to organize themselves and be represented by their peers.
Students have the right to be afforded space to dialogue safely about aspects of their learning experience.

The following are resources in the Albuquerque area that students, friends, and family might find useful:
disclaimer: The inclusion of a program on the CCCS resource list should not be interpreted as an endorsement of that resource.
Amistad Crisis Shelter- Short term (14-30 days) program that provides residential services to youth ages 12-17. Provides crisis intervention, assessment, counseling/therapy, recreational activities, life and social skills training, case management, educational/vocational assistance, job training skills, and referral assistance. Primary focus is to reunite youth with their families. (505)877-0371
Casa Hermosa- Casa Hermosa is an 18-month transitional living program for youth aged 16-21 that are runaway, homeless or aging out of state custody (foster care, institutional care). Casa Hermosa operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year in a staff-supervised apartment setting. The program offers the following services: crisis intervention, assessment, counseling/therapy, recreational activities, life and social skills training, case management, educational/vocational assistance, job training skills and referral assistance. (505)212-7470
PB&J Family Services- Offers assistance with family stabilization, reunification, and general improvement in daily living. Child day-care, individual/family counseling services, and an outpatient clinic. (505)877-7060
SAFE house- Provides shelter, services, and education for women and their children who are in a state of crisis as a result of physical, sexual, emotional, or economic abuse. (505)247-4219 or 1(800)773-3645
Albuquerque Family Advocacy Center- Safe, secure, and caring environment that focuses on the needs of victims of interpersonal crime. The center is committed to providing victims of domestic violence, child abuse, sexual assault, and their families with a safe setting to assist in addressing and overcoming the trauma of their experience and break the cycle of violence that destroys families. (505)243-2333
All Faiths- All Faiths is a dynamic behavioral health agency specializing in the treatment of families, children and their parents who are struggling due to issues of divorce, homelessness, child abuse/neglect, family violence or other crises. Our highly trained staff specializes in trauma-informed treatment methods that create a safe and comfortable environment in which our clients can heal. In addition, All Faiths serves children, youth and their families struggling with mental health and behavior health issues which impact their success at home, school and in their community. (505)271-0329
Enlace- The ENLACE Central Region is based at he University of New Mexico (UNM) in Albuquerque and focuses on student success initiatives, family and community engagement, and leadership and professional development. These initiatives are designed to decrease dropout rates, increase high school graduation rates, and encourage low-income, minority, and first-generation students to attend and succeed in college. (505) 277-5481
Agora Crisis Center-Sometimes it's hard to talk about our problems with family and friends. As trained crisis hotline specialists, our volunteers are ready to provide compassionate, non-judgmental help for anyone in need of emotional support. At Agora, we won't tell you how to solve your problem, but we'll help you figure out what options you might have. Our services include a help-line, online emotional support (chat), information and referrals, volunteer opportunities and community training workshops. (505)277-3013, (866)HELP-1-NM
CLNkids- Provides high quality childcare and therapeutic services to meet the special needs of children experiencing homelessness and offers support services that assist and strengthen their families as they become re-housed. (505)843-6899
HELP-New New Mexico- Provides assistance in employment raining programs, dropout prevention programs, sponsors childcare and adult food programs, utility assistance, rent assistance, and childcare for low income individuals in SE and SW NM. (505)265-3717
Parents Reaching Out- Offers support, encouragement, information, research, and workshops for families with children (birth-21) with unique needs. (505)247-0192 or (800)524-5176
WIA/Workforce Connection of Central New Mexico- Drop-out prevention, alternative education, leadership, summer employment, guidance and counseling, work experience, supportive services, mentoring, occupational skills training, and follow-up.
Wings for LIFE- Life Skills for Inmate families.- Fun, interactive programs wtha twill provdie support, life skills, and family enrichment for former inmates, their family members, foster parents, parolees, probationers, adjudicated youth, trustees, anc caring people- childcare and mentores will be found for children in the program. (505)291-6412
Optum Health NM- Every child, youth, adult and elder has the right to live in their community with health, dignity and hope. Recovery is a journey of healing and transformation enabling a person with a behavioral health problem to live a meaningful life in a community of his or her choice while striving to achieve his or her full potential. We are a mental health, substance use, and recovery resource for all New Mexicans.
Homeless Services listings- Help with temporary, transitional, and permanant housing. Childcare, health care, eviction prevention, food, and employment.
Roadrunner Food Bank- Search for local food distribution sites to pick up free food.
Domestic Violence-
Morning Star - Advocacy Program for Native American Women: (505)232-8299 S
ABQ Women's Resource Center (505)242-7033
Women Community Association- (505)247-4219
National Domestic Violence Hotline- (800)799-7233
Women's Advocacy Group- (505)884-1241
Restraining Orders- (505)841-8400
NM Domestic Legal Helpline (877)974-3400
Substance Abuse-
Center for Family & Adolescent Research- Free treatment for substance-abusing adolescents and their families. Intake appointment for teen and parent/guardian, pre-treatment assessment, therapy once a week for 14 weeks, follow up visits every 6 months. (505)842-8932
Teen Parenting-
CHI St. Joseph's Children- CHI St. Joseph's Children is working to give children a healthy start in life. We believe that if you change the first five years you change everything. Our free programs provide services to first time moms and dad, beginning during mom's pregnancy and continuing throughout the first 3 years of baby's life. Provide prenatal support and education, a program that tracks the development of the baby during the crucial first years, and connection to community resources. (505)924-8008
Young Fathers of Santa Fe- helps young men become great fathers. YFSF utilizes mentoring, teaching and group activities to establish trust and support with the fathers. YFSF assists them in job placement, education, and connection with local services. Young fathers are trained to be peer educators and community activists. YFSF help empower them to be responsible healthy fathers, partners and community members. YFSF connect with about 150 dads a year and work with the whole family Johhnie at (505)377-8950
PFLAG Albuquerque- Parents, Families and Friends, of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) is a national organization that promotes the health and well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender persons, as well as their families and friends. PFLAG provides opportunity for dialogue about sexual orientation and gender identity, and acts to create a society that is healthy and respectful of human diversity. (505) 873-7373
Transgender Resource Center of New Mexico- The Transgender Resource Center of New Mexico provides support, education, information, and assistance to the transgender population in the state of New Mexico and their friends, families, and loved ones. (505)200-9086
Equality New Mexico (EQNM)- Equality new Mecixo is a statewide education and advocacy organization that works for full recognition of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender civil rights. EQNM works throughout the state to end discrimination, shape bulic opinon and policy, as well as strengthen our alliances with local, regioanl, and national partners. The organization is based in Albuquerque and has many volunteer opportunities for LGBTQ individuals and allies. (505)224-2766
Common Bond New Mexico Foundation- Albuquerque's Common Bond New Mexico Foundation is devoted to building and strengthening the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community in the city of Albuquerque. The foundation has three programs devoted to achieving this goal: the Emergency Project, SAGE, and U21.
Community Academic Supports
African American Cultural Association - Focus on mentoring, academic, behavioral, health, and stay in school services for at-risk youth in Albuquerque. (505) 256-8306
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central New Mexico - Provides one-to-one mentoring between an adult mentor and at-risk youth. (505)837-9223
Bernalillo County Family Literacy Program - A free, community based, one-on-one tutoring program which utilizes volunteer tutors to work with students between the ages of six and fourteen. Students work with tutors for two hours a week. (505)314-0496
e-Read- Educational Research Evaluation and Design - Offers ACT/SAT prep, technology literacy, access to computer labs, and tutoring. (505)232-3134